DS2E-M رله 5V مینیاتوری 8 پایه ژاپنی مارک MATSUSHITA کد DS2E-M

مشاهده جدول مشخصات

تماس بگیرید


توضیحات تکمیلی


High sensitivity: 400 mW pick-up power
Latching types available
High switching capacity: 60 W, 125 V A
Max. switching power: 60 W, 125 VA
Max. switching voltage: 220 V DC, 250 V AC
Max. switching current: 2 A DC, AC
Max. carrying current: 3 A DC, AC
High breakdown voltage: 1,500 V FCC surge between open contacts
1,000 V AC between open contacts
DIP-1C type can be used with 14 pin IC socket
2C type can be used with 16 pin IC socket,
4C type can be used with 2 sets of 14 pin IC sockets
Gold-cap silver palladium types available for 2 Form C type
Bifurcated contacts are standard

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رله 5V مینیاتوری 8 پایه ژاپنی مارک MATSUSHITA کد DS2E-M
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